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Sequential Changes of IgG, IgM and IgA Antibodies Against S. typhi in Patients with Typhoid Fever
Kang Won Choe, Chang Yong Cha*
Department of Internal Medicine and Microbioogy, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
Vol.17 Num.2 (p133~139)
Sequential changes in the levels of IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies against S. typhi were measured by ELISA in 13 patients with typhoid fever.
Serum samples were drawn monthly for 6 months. IgG antibody reached a peak in 1~2 month after onset, then decreased slowly. Nine out of 13 patients had increased IgG level at 5~6 months.
IgM antibody had attained a peak within the 1st month of disease, then decreased rapidly in 2 months.
IgA antibody showed a peak value within 1st month, then fell rapidly in 2 months.
So elevation of IgG antibody in the presence of normal IgA and IgM antibody suggests an infection in the past (probably more than 3 months ago), while elevation of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody would suggest the presence of active or recent (within 3 months) infection.
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