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Case Reports
Secondary Nodular Syphilis
Soon Nam So, Young Tae Kim, Jae-Hong Kim, Joong Hwan Kim
Department of Dermatology, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
Vol.20 Num.4 (p311~314)
Secondary syphilis is a great immitator. When syphilis produce unusual skin lesions, the diagnosis is often difficult and delayed.
We report a case of secondary nodular syphilis with features of cutaneous lymphoma.
A 52-year-old male patient has had erythematous to brownish nodules with pruritis and generalized lymphadenopathy for about 5 weeks prior to visit to our clinc.
The diagnosis was eventually made by a skin biopsy and serologic tests for syphilis. Histopathologically, numerous plasma cells around blood vessles and endothelial hyperplasia were seen in the dermis and Warthin-Starry stain shows Treponema pallidum. Serologic tests revealed that VDRL was reactive at 1:64 dilutions and TPHA was reactive.
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