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Case Reports
A Case of Typhoid Fever Complicated with Pleural Effusion Proved by Isolation of S. ty[phi from Pleural Effusion
Ho Kee Yum, Yoon Woo Lee, Kwan Yeop Kim
Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul Paik Hospital In Je Medical College Seoul, Korea
Vol.20 Num.4 (p315~320)
The pulmonary complications in variable degrees were uncommonly reported in typhoid fever, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, pleural effusion, empyema, bronchopleural fistula, and pulmonary infarction. But the pleural effusion has rarely been reported to occur as a complication of typhoid fever since the medical use of chloramphenicol, and especially rare for bacteriologically documented Salmonella pleural effusion in Korea.
One case of typhoid fever complicated with pleural effusion, in which Salmonella typhi Group D was isolated, is presented with the brief review of the literature.
The patient was 68 year-old man who had two months history of high fever and recent onset of left pleuritic chest pain with irregular and inadquate antibiotic therapy. Salmonella Group D was isolated from pleural effusion, however, which was not isolated from blood, feces and urine because of previous abuse of antibiotics. With the medication of chloramphenicol and pleural aspiration, the patient was recovered successfully.
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