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Case Reports
A Case of Pyomyositis
S.H. Koh, S.W. Park, Y.W. Choi, D.G. Kim, K.S. Jung, J.S. Ryu, H.K. Lim
Department of Internal Micicine, Hailym University, Seoul, Korea, Department of Radiology
Vol.22 Num.4 (p261~266)
Pyomyositis is a bacterial infection of skeletal muscle usually occurring in the asence of trauma or a primary focus of infecation. Usual causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus. It is common in the tropics and rare in temperate climates. We diagnosed pyomyositis in a 23-year-old man with symptoms of localized muscle pain, fever, chill and malaise. Muscular ultrasonogram and needle aspiration confirmed the disease. It was the first case reported in Korea.
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