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Case Reports
A Case of Kluyvera Sepsis in Immunocompromised Host
SunHo Chang, GyooRak Lee, JunHee Woo
Department of Internal Medicine, Soon Chun Hyang University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Vol.23 Num.2 (p113~115)
Kluyvera is a new genus in the family Enterobacteriaceae and the clinical significance of Kluyvera remains to be established. Recently we encountered a woman who was managed under the diagnosis of lung cancer with cervix cancer of uterus and developed Kluyvera bacteremia. She was treated with antimicrobial agents and probably because of underlying diseases she did not recover. A review of the literature reveals limited information that Kluyvera are potentially dangerous pathogens.
Further experience and epidemiologic studies are needed to determine their pathogenic role and the therapeutic effect of antibiotics.
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