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Clinical Characteristics and Prognostic Factors of Polymicrobial Bacteremia
Yoon Sang Choi, Sang Won Sin, Sae Yong Kang, Heung Jung Woo, Chull Won Choi, Hee Jin Chung, Woo Joo Kim, Min Ja Kim, Seung Chull Park
Department of Internal Medicine, Korea University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Vol.23 Num.3 (p171~179)
During a 7 year period from September 1983 to August 1990, 41 cases had positive blood culture containing more than organism at Korea University Guro hospital.
In this retrospective study, 41 cases were examined, and 19 of 41 cases (46%) were nosocomial in origin.
The most common combination of organisms were multiple gram-negative bacilli. Frequent source of polymicrobial bacteremia were gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, skin and soft-tissue in order of frequency.
By univariate analysis, mortality which was 34% overall, corrrelated with vasopressor therapy, adult respiratory distress syndrome, severlity of underying disease, presence of central lines, systolic blood pressure, respiratory failure, surgical abdomen, and appropriateness of antibiotic selection.
Using logistic regression analysis, mortality was predicted by vasopressor therapy and respiratory distress syndrome.
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