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In vitro Antibacterial Potency of Teicoplanin by the Disc Diffusion Method
Pyoung Han Hwang, Jung Soo Kim Yang Keun Rhee*, Mi Yae Youn**, Sam Im Choi**
Department of Pediatrics, Department of Internal Medicine*, Department of Clinical Pathology**, Chonbuk National University Medical School, Chonju, Korea
Vol.25 Num.1 (p33~43)
An increasing frequency of gram-positive bacterial infection has been observed in recent years.
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Coagulase negative staphylococcus (CNS) which show serious antimicrobial resistance and also an important cause of nosocomial infections with gram-negative bacilli.
Teicoplanin is a new glycopeptide antibiotic obtained from the actinomycete Actinoplanes teichomycetius
Molecular structure and spectrum of antimicrobial activity of teicoplanin is similar to those of vancomycin, which is active against many gram-positive organisms.
Antimicrobial potency of teicoplanin was measured by disc diffusion method. 396 specimens of eight garm-positive strains isolated from patients in 1992 at Chonbuk National University Hospital were enrolled in this study.
The overall antibacterial potency of teicoplanin against gram positive organisms was next to that of vancomycin, but was significantly higher than those of other antimicrobial agents like ceftriaxone, sultamicillin, ofloxacin, cephalothin, amikin. Organisms resistant to teicoplanin and/or vancomycin were not observed.
Teicoplanin, like vancomycin, could also be recommended as the first line antibiotics against gram-positive bacteria especially for MRSA and CNS.
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