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Seroprevalence of HIV Infection in Patients with Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Myoung-don Oh, M.D., Namjoong Kim, M.D., Yangsoo Kim, M.D.*, Kyongran Peck, M.D.† and Kangwon Choe, M.D.
Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, *Department ofMedicine, Ulsan Medical University College of Medicine and †Department of Medicine, SungkyunkwanUniversity College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Vol.30 Num.1 (p94~96)
To assess the prevalence of HIV infection in patients with sexually-transmitted diseases(STD), we screened STD patients who visited STD clinics in Seoul area during the period of April 1993-Octorber 1993. Blood samples were collected by unlinked anonymous method, and antibodies against HIV were screened. Five hundred and thirty patients with STD were screened. Median age of the patients was 23 year. Male to female ratio was 1:2.8. None of the patients had HIV antibody. The prevalence of HIV infection in STD patients was estimated to be less than 5%.
Keywords : HIV, STD, Prevalence