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Case Reports
A Case of Multiple Brain Abscess Mimicking Cystic Brain Metastases
Dong Kuen Lee/Hwan Jo Suh
Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Kyunghee University, Seoul, Korea.
Vol.31 Num.5 (p460~466)
Multiple intracerebral space-occupying lesions (SOL) demonstrated by computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and radionuclide brain scanning or cerebral arteriography often present a diagnostic enigma. The differential diagnosis between brain abscess and brain tumor is occasionally difficult to determine on the basis of imaging studies and clinical judgement, especially in the case of brain SOL with mainly cystic or necrotic component. Elderly patients with a history suggestive of hidden maligancy and the above
radiological features are usually presumptively diagnosed as having multiple cerebral metastases. We experienced a case of multiple brain abscess which was confirmed by diagnostic surgery, in a 67-yearl old male who showed clinical and radiological findings of mimicking cystic brain metastases with undetermined primary focus. Even with long-term therapy with antibiotics and supportive care, the patient suffered from massive ventriculitis and subsequently died.
Keywords : brain abscess, Cystic Brain metastases, Brain space-occupying lesions (SOL), Brain MRI