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Two Cases of Klebsiella pneumoniae Liver Abscess Complicated with Multiple Septic Metastatic Lesions: Their Association with Diabetes Mellitus
Sun Hee Park, M.D., Su Mi Choi, M.D., Kwan Woo Nam, M.D., Sang Il Kim, M.D. Seong Heon Wie, M.D., Yang Ree Kim, M.D., In Sung Moon, M.D.* and Moon Won Kang, M.D.
Department of Internal Medicine and Department of Surgery*, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea
Vol.33 Num.5 (p364~370)
Klebsiella pneumoniae infection has a tendency of abscess formation and it is known to be associated with diabetes mellitus. In Taiwan, over the past 15 years, K. pneumoniae has emerged as the leading pathogen of liver abscess especially in diabetic patients. Although metastatic infection was a characteristic feature of K. pneumoniae liver abscess and bacteremia, metastatic soft tissue infection was extremely rare and only 6 cases have been reported in the world so far.
Recently, we experienced a case of K. pneumoniae liver abscess with bacteremia and multiple metastatic infections including endophthalmitis, pyelonephritis, empyema, psoas abscess with retroperitoneal abscess, and soft tissue abscess at buttock and thigh in a 51-year- old male patient with diabetes. Also, a case of K. pnuemoniae liver abscess complicated with multiple metastatic infections will be additionally introduced. Here we report two cases of K. pneumoniae liver abscess with multiple septic metastatic lesions and the data we have reviewed.
Keywords : Klebsiella pneumoniae, Liver abscess, Diabetes mellitus, Metastatic soft tissue infection