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Case Reports
A Case of Malignant External Otitis with Pichia ohmeri
Jun Seong Son, M.D., Sang-Yop Shin, M.D., Tae Hoon Min, M.D., Hyun-Ha Chang, M.D. Sook-In Jung, M.D., Won Sup Oh, M.D., Sungmin Kim, M.D. Kyong Ran Peck, M.D. and Jae-Hoon Song, M.D.
Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Vol.34 Num.5 (p349~353)
Pichia ohmeri is a rare fungal pathogen for human infection. To date, only 5 cases of P. ohmeri infection have been reported including fungemia, disseminated infection and peritonitis. We report the first case of malignant external otitis and mastoid osteomyelitis caused by P. ohmeri. The patient had a long history of diabetes, hypertension and arrrhythmia. The patient was admitted to the hospital because of otorrhea, otal gia and hearing difficulty for 3 months. Internal auditory canal MRI showed osteomyelitis of left mastoid bone and skull base. Culture of ear discharge and bone biopsy specimen grew P. ohmeri. The patient had been treated with amphotericin-B followed by fluconazole.
Keywords : Pichia ohmeri, Malignant external otitis, Pathogen