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A Case of Rhizobium radiobacter Primary Bacteremia in a Patient with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Il Woon Park, M.D.1, Tae Woon Park, M.D.1, Seo Goo Han, M.D.1, Ji Hoon Cho, M.D.1 Myoung Lyeol Woo, M.D.1, Hyuk Min Lee, M.D.2 and Kkot Sil Lee, M.D.1
Departments of Internal Medicine1, Laboratory Medicine2, Kwandong University College of Medicine, Gyenggi-do, Korea
Vol.38 Num.6 (p394~397)
Rhizobium radiobacter, which has been previously discribed as Agrobacterium radiobacter, is a group of phytopathogenic organisms widely distributed in soil. Over the past decade, increasing number of infections due to Rhizobium radiobacter has been reported. Rhizobium radiobacter is now recognized as rare human pathogens affecting mostly immunocompromised hosts and is an opportunistic pathogen often associated with indwelling catheters. We report a case of bacteremia due to Rhizobium radiobacter in an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patient. The patient was admitted for fever. In the blood culture, Rhizobium radiobacter was isolated. These symptoms and signs were successfully resolved with antibiotics.
Keywords : Rhizobiun radiobacter, AIDS, Bacteremia