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Case Reports
A Case of Aeromonas hydrophila Necrotizing fasciitis in Patient on Hemodialysis
Hong Jun Park, M.D.1, Hyo Youl Kim, M.D.1, Young Uh, M.D.2, Oh-Gun Kwon, M.D.2, and Jin Rok Oh3
Departments of Internal Medicine1, Laboratory Medicine2 and Orthopedic Surgery3 ; Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Korea
Vol.39 Num.4 (p218~221)
Aeromonas hydrophila is a facultative, anaerobic gram-negative bacillus. It's a member of the family Vibrionaceae. Aeromonas, which is known to cause gastroenteritis and wound infections ranging from mild cellulitis to fulminant myonecrosis. It is responsible for opportunistic infections in patients with compromised immune function due to an underlying disease such as malignant hematological disorders, liver cirrhosis, and malignant neoplasm. We report a case of 72-year-old woman who recovered from necrotizing fasciitis caused by A. hydrophila. The patient had undergone prolonged hemodialysis and had no history of trauma.
Keywords : Aeromonas hydrophila, Necrotizing fasciitis, Hemodialysis