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A Seroepidemiological Study of Tsutsugamushi Disease in Rural Population in Korea
Myoung-don Oh, Kangwon Choe
Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Vol.23 Num.1 (p13~17)
To estimate the prevalence of Tsutsugamushi disease, we tested sera from 312 residents (150 residents who live in Jawoon-ri, Nae-myon, Hongcheon-goon, Kangwon-do, 85 in Daeboo-do, Ongjin-goon, kyunggi-do, and 77 in Sagock-ri Chilsung-myon, Goesan-goon, Choongchungbook-do). These three villages are located in the remote rural area in the central part of Korea. L-929 cells were infected with Gilliam, Karp, Kato, and B119, a strain isolated from a Korean patient, respectively. After about 10 days L cells were harvested and pooled to make antigens which have three prototype (ie, Gilliam, Karp, Kato) and one local strain (B119). L cells were coated on 12 well slides and indirect fluorescent antibody test were performed with goat anti-human IgG and IgM antibodies. Ten(6.7%) out of 150 sera from Jawoon-ri, 4(4.7%) of 85 from Daeboo-do, and 3(3.9%) of 77 from Sagock-ri were reactive at 1:20 dilution to anti-IgG antibody. But no sera were reactive to anti-IgM antibody.
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