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Molecular Epidemiologic Study of Urinary Tract Infection by Myroides species (Flavobacterium odoratum)
Hyun Soo Kim, M.D., Seung Bok Hong, M.T., Do Hoon Lee, M.D., Won Sik Kim, M.T.* Bo Ra Son, M.D.* and Kyeong Seob Shin, M.D.*
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Pundang Jesaeng General Hospital, Sung Nam, Department of Laboratory Medicine*, Chungbuk National University College of Medicine, Cheong Ju, Korea
Vol.35 Num.4 (p199~204)
Background:Myroides species are widely distributed in nature, but clinical infection by these organisms are extremely rare. We report herein prolonged outbreak of urinary tract infection by Myroides species.
Methods:Forty-four Myroides spp. were isolated from urine samples from 25 patients over a period of nine months, and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method was performed to characterize the genotype of these isolates.
Results:All of the subjects were hospitalized patients with indwelling urinary catheter. Five of the patients showed concomitant pyuria, which could be considered as evidence of urinary tract infection, and isolation of these organisms in the remainder of the patients could be considered as simple colonization. All the isolates were resistant to antimicrobial agents tested. RAPD analysis showed identical DNA fingerprinting patterns in all the isolates.
Conclusion:This study revealed that all the Myroides spp. isolated from urinary specimens of prolonged outbreak were genotypically the same. Because of its resistance to multiple antimicrobial agents, prevention of dissemination of this strain is clinically important.
Keywords : Myroides species, Flavobacterium odoratum, Urinary tract infection, RAPD, Genotyping